Fedora Logos
I made those for my own use back then when the official SVG sources were not readily available:

3D effects applied on the logo (you need at least Firefox 3 Beta 1 for correct display of the SVG):

Powered by Fedora Buttons

Notebook Stickers

Funny Stickers

Those are graphics with a specific size, intended for use in the block singature on internet discussion forums. Avalilable in 3 flavors, for users, developers and ambassadors:

Banners and buttons
Web banners and buttons:
Logo practical applications:
A set of marbles which can be used in various games:
Just like the marbles above, only shaped as bubbles:

Diagrams illustrating Fedora's structure and governance:

Hat Logos
Abstract Shapes:

Derived from the pupicon:

Those are NOT endorsed by either Fedora or Red Hat

SmiliesHappy faces wearing fedoras

Fedora Games cartoons

Werewolf was the codename for Fedora 8, here are a few graphics with this theme:

Kick ass concept inspired by Joshua

A scape goat inspired by Jeff



My main cartoons repository is here
Wallpaper collection here
My Fedora pages
All the materials included on this page are free to use, but if you find them useful, pretty please (this is not a requirement, only my humble wish) send an email to dioanad at server gmail.com with thanks for motivating me to publish some content and expressing your unhappiness to the same person for destroying my motivation to publish even more.
Be nice, polite and do not do nasty things with the address above. Thank you.