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graphics:clipart [2023/11/22 06:54] nicugraphics:clipart [2023/11/22 06:59] (current) nicu
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 ====== Clipart ====== ====== Clipart ======
 +A set of SVG **clipart images** I started working on ago while I was contributing to [[https://openclipart.org|OpenClipart (OCAL)]], a library of freely licensed clipart images. OCAL has some issues, sometimes it worked, sometimes it won't. With the help of a Free license, the images survived on various websites, but the original version is still here. Then I continued working on those for my own fun (and learning about graphic design).
 +The images were designed under a **Public Domain Dedication**, which was the license we initially used for OCAL. Later, OCAL changed license to [[http://https://creativecommons.org/public-domain/cc0/|CC0]] (for bullshit reasons, if you ask me), my general website is published under [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en|CC-BY-SA]], so use it under whichever of those licenses you see fit. Credits, links back and a "thank you" email are appreciated but not compulsory.
 +Made with free software (Inkscape), in a free format (SVG), under a free license. Enjoy.
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