Articol publicat in "UNICA"
We Declare War on Cellulite!
by Bianca Brad
Who doesn’t like
oranges? They are spicy, tasty and you can even make jelly out of the
orange skin. It’s so good! Hm, I said “orange skin” and I
automatically thought of cellulite! I’m sorry that the orange is
compared to something that brings fear and despair among women, but
the resemblance is there! What is cellulite actually? Why does it
appear, why does it look like orange skin and how can it be
controlled? It is difficult for me to approach this subject on only
two pages. This is why I will deal only with the most important
issues. Cellulite is not a disease. It is only a syndrome caused by a
combination of factors, which I will analyze in the following
Further to research in
the field it is known that women’s conjunctive tissue is different
from men’s. Thus, in the case of men the fibers look like a grid
and the tissue is less flexible (their skin is also thicker), while
in the case of women they are laid in parallel, and the tissue is
more elastic, which permits the accumulation of water and fat. This
is due to the fact that a woman’s body needs these fat and water
deposits during pregnancy. Lack of exercise leads to fat deposits
which block the body’s vigour. At the same time, lymph is blocked,
the metabolism slows down and does not permit the elimination of
toxins, waste (the result of bad eating). The accumulation of these
deposits lead to these lumps and dimples, and, in serious cases,
knots which make the skin resemble the orange skin. It appears mostly
on the hips, on the – let’s call it – tush, on the stomach and
on the arms. Studies show that almost 90% of women are affected while
only 1% of men. In the case of men, it appears generally on the
Cellulite has always
existed, which is demonstrated by sculptures or, for instances,
Rubens’ paintings and it shows that during those times it was not
considered a flaw. The beauty ideal has changed and women are subject
to this stress, desperately trying to obtain a perfect look, but this
is hard to get when there is no such a thing as a 100% efficient
For a long time it was
believed that only the fat have cellulite. False! Even thin women,
and even sportswomen can be affected by this syndrome. This has
nothing to do only with fat (!!) or age. It is true that the chance
(better said the misfortune) of cellulite grows with the age, but 18
years old girls can have it, too! Hormones play the most important
role in getting cellulite. I’m talking about estrogen, which is
responsible (besides breeding) for the fat and water deposits –
especially in the thighs and hips. If hormones are hard to control,
let’s see what else we can do to stop, slow down cellulite.
The first and most
important step towards getting a smooth skin is to start eating
healthy, balanced food rich in vitamins and minerals. Generally,
today’s diets are too salty (smoked products, preservatives which
favour water retention), too sweet or too fat (no comment!!) and they
are often accompanied by “pleasurable poisons” such as coffee,
alcohol and tobacco (which slow down blood circulation). Besides all
these, there are all sorts of medicines. It is clear that, in the
end, the body no longer has the strength to process all these toxins
and starts depositing them.
Not only the excess of
weight favours cellulite, but also a sudden loss of weight caused by
a drastic diet – which lead to “launching” the fibers of the
conjunctive tissue. Lack of exercise leads to a bad blood
circulation, slowing down digestion and fovouring the retention and
depositing of waste.
What is the connection
between stress and cellulite? In a calm person digestion, blood
circulation and sleep function normally, but when somebody is subject
to permanent stress, this balance is affected psychically and
physically. People start eating too much, start using tobacco,
alcohol and even medicines, and all these accelerate the ageing
process and have a negative effect on the skin. Stress also has a
negative influence on endocrine glands and therefore on the hormones.
The adrenal glands are very affected and, under pressure, they
produce adrenalin which disturb the water and salt depositing system.
Besides what I have
already mentioned, here are a few other factors which favour
birth control pills,
due to the surplus of hormones
sun baths – the tan
looks good but leads to a rapid ageing of the skin, which loses its
smoking – nicotine
narrows blood vessels and blocks the irrigation of tissues
posture – crossing
one’s legs or a “hunchback” posture leads to a poor blood
too tight clothing or
too high heels also block blood circulation
In the first phase,
cellulite can only be detected when touching the skin, i.e. the
“orange skin” appears only when squeezing skin between the
fingers. In the advanced phase, cellulite is noticeable when muscles
are relaxed, in the areas “lined” with fat. The most serious
phase is when cellulite can be seen with the naked eye. Clearly, if
you start your attack while it is still in the first phase, cellulite
will be easier to defeat. Even at a later stage, don’t despair! Be
strong and stick to a healthy diet, as well as a minimum of exercise
and you will notice the improvement of your skin.
Therefore, the golden
rules in the fight against cellulite are a balanced diet, exercise
and other methods, which I will now briefly review.
Let’s start with the
diet. Cellulite’s worst enemy is potassium, which helps eliminating
water and salt. Foods rich in potassium are: bananas, potatoes,
mushrooms, spinach, white beans, peas, lentils, watermelon, kiwis,
apricots, pineapples, apples, almonds, sunflower seeds, chestnuts,
hazelnuts, walnuts, goose meat, mutton, dry code, smoked salmon,
trout, etc. The combination of these foods is very important, because
some of them have a high fat content!
Give up salami and
sausages, smoked products and those types of cheese with a high salt
Choose margarine
instead of butter
Drink a lot of water,
ideally 3 l/day, minimum 1.5 l/day – it accelerates the elimination
of toxins
If you crave sweets
eat sweet fruit such as peaches and grapes instead of chocolate.
Fructose is much healthier than sugar.
Drink a nettle leaf
or birch tree infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. It helps
Drink a glass of warm
water before any meal. An Ayurveda trick.
If you can change your
diet – even though it is hard to give up hazelnut chocolate,
hamburgers and delicious sauces – the real tragedy begins when it
comes to exercise, isn’t it? The most used excuse is “I don’t
have the time”, followed by “I’m not in the mood” and “I’m
It is very hard,
indeed, I know it from my own experience. I use these excuses a lot,
but I understood and I hope and ask you to do it, too, that exercise
helps you get not only a good muscular tonus, but also a psychic one,
because during physical activity the body produces endorphins, the
“happiness hormones”. I’m talking from my own experience. If
you are tired or upset, exercise and you will see how good you will
feel. Ideally, you should do aerobics, swim, jog or ride your
bicycle. Too complicated? Then give up the elevator, walk as much and
as often as you can, and do a few special exercises at home. It is
very important to do them correctly and work the deepest muscles,
strengthening, thus, the conjunctive tissue. If you use weights
incorrectly, you will work the upper layer of muscles, which will
accentuate the “orange skin” look. Be very careful with
breathing. You should breath calmly and regularly!
Besides a healthy diet
and exercise, it is important to take care of your body, pamper it
with creams, baths and massages, which help the maintenance and
embellishing process.
Brush your body daily
with a special brush or a sponge, with smooth, circular motions,
always starting with the right foot, from the knee upwards towards
the heart. Peel weekly. Further to rubbing, the skin will be better
irrigated, the pores will be open and the cream or lotion will work
deeper. After showering, rub your hips and “tush” with a sachet
filled with ice cubes. This will accelerate tissue irrigation. A lot
of lotions and creams against cellulite were released on the market.
Apply some daily on the affected areas, massaging smoothly. If you
can, use algae based products. These are the most successful (70%)
against cellulite. Spoil yourself (and relax) once a week with a bath
with ethereal oils such as: 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of sage,
1 drop of juniper, 4 drops of fennel oil. Besides these solutions, at
anyone’s hand, there is also acupuncture, liposuction, laser
treatment, electric massage and pills. All these require, indeed,
time, medical supervision and a lot of money.
Is it difficult,
complicated and boring? Conquer your laziness, think that you are
doing yourselves a favour and most importantly, love your body, love
yourselves. Don’t forget that beauty means attitude, style,
elegance, personality, harmony, aura, spirit! And most importantly,
think yourselves beautiful!
Panic strikes
Cellulite spreads?
“Unica” advises
And cellulite … melts away!
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