
FlacaraArticol publicat in "Flacara"

Flacara- Iul. 2001 -

I have never had idols”
Article written by Ana Barton

Although during the faculty, she was labeled as “beautiful, nothing more”, Bianca Brad fought and managed to prove that she is “beautiful and much more”.

An obvious beauty, Bianca Brad is one of the women who manages to polarize the attention of other people on her, but what is really exceptional is the fact this attention is kept for a long time, if not for ever. Certainly, beauty opens doors, but Bianca Brad worked hard to impose herself, to be placed as high as possible. And she managed to do it. She was the Princess of Beauty in December 1990. In 1992 and 1994, she hosted “Cerbul de Aur” (The Golden Stag). She worked much in television at TVR (at the beginning of ‘90s and in 1999 when she presented the German TV broadcast), in Tele 7 abc, where she presented the “Tudor Vornicu Study” in 1998. She played in a German American co-production where she met Dennis Hopper. She also played in a few Romanian American and Romanian Canadian co-productions. Because one of her priorities is the maintaining of her beauty (a real art), Bianca Brad launched her own video produced by herself, on her own concept: “Secrets of Beauty. Art of make-up”. She is very proud of her acting course which she had done in New York, at “The Lee Strasberg theatre Institute” because, among the students that have been there were Marylin Monroe, James Dean, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffmann. Bianca is also a journalist. She has a column for maintaining beauty in the magazine Unica. In order to hide her shyness, she built an armory. This makes her seem arrogant in the eyes of some people. But she denies it, saying that it was a necessary shield against the out of place commentaries which bothered her very much.

In her family, she learned a few things which she changed later into principles of life: to help the others unconditionally, not to hurt, not to revenge.

At school, she liked music and foreign languages. She knows very well English and German. She learned the latter in a few months. “The most important thing for an actor who leaves the native country for another one, besides his talent, is to learn the language of the country he lives in. I have a very good ear for music. That is why I have learned German surprisingly quickly. After 11 months I had arrived in Germany, I played in a movie in German language, a language I knew nothing about before I left Romania”. In 1985 she got her first part in a movie. Her mother searched assiduously for the announcements of casting and one day she found one.

She stayed all night and sewed by hand two dresses for me to be able to have a choice to go for the auditions. I got the part by chance. At the shooting of the film, I have heard Stefan Banica Jr. and Razvan Popa talking how interesting it was at the faculty, the Theatre and Movie Institute”. And she wanted to go there, too. Then she was shooting in “Al patrulea gard langa debarcader” (The fourth fence near the landing stage). She gave an exam at the faculty, she was not accepted, but she got another part, the main part in the movie “Un zambet de soare” (Sunny Smile). During the shooting of the film, she was asked to participate in another film “Duminica in familie” (Sunday in the family). Being disappointed by not being accepted at the faculty, she was thinking of giving up the theatre, but the film director Elisabeta Bostan encouraged her to try again. And she was successful. She did the faculty on evening courses because she had been working as a model at CONFEX since she left school. She was doing modeling because once when she went there to see her brother presenting the latest fashion, the designer noticed her immediately and that was all. “It was very good for me because I had my own money and I was no longer asking money from my parents. It was a normally paid job. The fact that I appeared on calendars and posters it meant no additional money”. Bianca rather late realized that she is beautiful. “I have always found myself many imperfections. Now I have learned to accept the things that I consider imperfections”. The admiring reactions of the people next to her determined her to have more faith in the way she looked. Speaking of admirers and their reactions, I had an experience during my interview with Bianca. A young man of about 16-17 years old came to her fascinated and told her: “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life”. And, of course, he did want to leave us. But Bianca made him leave us with a lot of tact, so that we might continue the talk. “I have never relied very much on the way I look. I had to fight against it because during the faculty, I was also modeling and I used to be labeled beautiful, but nothing more”. As soon as she finished faculty, she married a dentist and they left the country, not being able to practice her profession as an actress. Coming back to Romania, she noticed that people have not forgotten her, and this made her very happy and encouraged her to go on. She believes that this happened because she had always a good relation with the public and she respects the people, in spite of her physical appearance. Bianca Brad says that certainly beauty “although opened her several doors” brought her troubles, too. It is the harassment. “I usually try, with diplomacy and tact, to be polite and show that I am not available. Sometimes, I had to be tougher. I had a lot to lose because of it. I was not told face to face that this was why I lost an opportunity, but the attitude of the person changed by 180 degrees after my refusal, was proving that this was really the reason. This happened to me in Romania, as well as abroad”. It is obvious that being beautiful is not always comfortable.

She enjoys eating all food that fattens: pasta, cookies, sauces etc. “I am my own enemy. Lately, I gave up almost all kind of meat. Now, I eat fish. I taught myself that fruit and vegetables should be a priority. I had a diet only once because I gained weight. I am very greedy and at that time I was eating at any time of day and night. The diet wasn’t good for my stomach at all so I told myself that I would not repeat it again. That is the reason why I took into account the quantity of food, its combination and the time. I don’t eat after 7 pm. I do special exercises of gymnastics with a rhythmical gymnastic coach. Mainly, it’s not for the volume, but the fiber. Practically, it shapes your body. I do gymnastics three times a week, but when I’ll have a proper room, I’ll do it daily. I would like to do it alternatively with fitness”. And her dream of traveling came true: she visited three continents. “I’d like to repeat the wonderful experience when I swam with the dolphins in the Red Sea”. Speaking about her professional models, Bianca likes to specify: “I have never had idols”. Her favorite actors are Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon, Robert De Niro. “I admire Michelle Pfeiffer because she managed to impose herself, as a beautiful and serious actress, not just a sex symbol”. She believes in destiny. “No matter how much you strive to do a thing, it may be in vain. If you are not meant to do it, you will never do it”. She likes intelligent men with sense of humor and with strong character. “I don’t like conceited men”. Although two years ago, she finished her first marriage which lasted six years, Bianca Brad still believes in marriage.

All this time I strived to make it work, even if I felt pretty soon that we did not fit each other. I did everything I could to save it”. Bianca’s hobby is to dance. “It is my way to release the negative energy and to charge with a positive one”. She likes cartoon. As a child, she watched all cartoons signed Disney. “Now I like a cartoon that it isn’t really for children, it’s the Simpson Family. If I am at home, I put everything aside, and I watch it”. Lately she enjoys reading autobiographies and diaries. She thinks she is a cheerful person, very humorous. “I like to see the funny side of things”. This indicates, undoubtedly, the essential optimism that characterizes Bianca Brad.
