Trace: fedora


For a while (approx. 2005-2013) I was a contributor to Fedora Project (Linux distro and community), active mostly in graphic/art design and local (Romanian) community, with a bit of marketing, website, documentation, translation, support and such in the mix. At some point, not agreeing with the general direction of the project and unhappy with the team I was in, I just stopped contributing, but didn't stop using it. This very page is written on a Fedora desktop.

Fully aware everything is obsolete by now (and it was obsolete for quite a while), this page hosts some graphics I made during my journey with Fedora. Because I don't like to delete stuff and I believe things should not simply disappear.


Buttons and Banners


Desktop Wallpapers

Miscellaneous Artwork




foss/fedora.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/23 04:31 by nicu
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